Finding time to workout can be hard when life is so busy!
We all see the ads for different workout programs, and the truth is I love some of them! I have joined some groups, started new things, some have helped some not so much.
What has really helped, and I know you have heard it before is to make working out a priority.
But that really makes me sad when I only have 30 minutes on average with T-rex any given week.
So, we try to work out together. . ..I say try, because we have vastly different ideas of what working out should be.
Me: I just walked 5 minutes! Time for a drink!
T-rex: Yeah, No, You should lift some weights
Me: You should do cardio
T-rex: I do! I lift weights fast!
Me: Yeah, No. You should walk with me
T-rex: some grunt that we can't understand
35 minutes later T-rex is done with his workout and smelling like a gym sock. I have spent the last 30 minutes watching cat videos on YouTube. But I did find some good stuff on the YouTube spiral that happens, More marriage advice :)
Fyi: Working out also helps in this area :)
More on this next week, but for now, watch the Video!!