Friday, March 9, 2012

School work and time with DH.

So, it’s like this, I stink at grammar, spelling, and general sentence construction. The really sad thing is I type like I write.  ..  .so I might, maybe sound like an idiot.  At least that is the impression I get from my history teacher.  Hey, it is better than turning in my papers in 10 codes!
   This session’s classes are coming to an end. And I feel like I can breathe.  I still have a few things to do, but I made it to the end!  If I can pass these classes I will be very happy.

With all the work I have been doing and DH switching shifts this last week things have been a little crazy.  He got a motorcycle, and at first I thought it was dumb . . . but I love it!! I love going out with him and just getting away from all the stress.  I think I might want to learn how drive myself. Then I realize that I can’t even drive a car really well. 

With his change in hours, and the kids’ school and activities we have gotten to spend some more time together, and even went to the store alone!!  I don’t think we will do that much more.  There is the worst Badge bunny ever at the store!  I don’t usually get annoyed with people checking DH out, or even a little dorky smile is no big deal . . . but full blown flirting with my husband when I am right there!!  Oh this B.B. got on my nerves.

I found this cute little thing from site too J

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