Thursday, April 28, 2011

The ME time?!

I am in need of some me time. Sure T-rex is the best at giving me a girls night out, and we do try to get out and date sometimes (like once every 6 months!). But what I really need is ME time! Time away from the kids, away from school, in my own home just me for just a few minutes. I need a day with no stress of pleasing everyone, dealing with whiney kids and maybe even a chance to run around the house blasting my R rated music.

I feel mad sometimes, I know T-rex’s job can be very busy, but I also know that he can about once a week take an hour long drive just him, his truck, and his music. Sure he has to be ready to go at any moment, and when it rains it pours in Law Enforcement.

I thought my job would be the place to get out of the house, get away from the kids, the dishes, and the constant job of being a mom. Yet it too has seemed to cause some more issues. Court dates, and training, and working my hours around T-rex’s. It gets to be too much work just to go to work. And I cannot say I truly love the work I do. I don’t know anyone who really has a passion for fast food. Don’t get me wrong, I like the job well enough. Just not what I see myself doing in a year you know.

Maybe it is his strange hours, or maybe it is just the life of a mother with young children at home. But right now I want to run away! How do you guys and gals balance everything? Mostly how do you balance the right after school chaos that has to happen every day at 3:45?! Getting the house put back together, cooking, snack time, and homework stress, 3 girls whining, a husband calling, and about 5 questions to answer every minute, most of the questions are repeats. If things don’t get better 3:45 is going to be known as mommy meltdown time!


Meadowlark said...

????? Who is the evil SOB who's making you do this "Put the house back together, cooking thing"?

Oh. You? um.... well, then it looks pretty much like you've answered your own question. As long as you want to play the "I can do it all cuz I'm superwoman" card, then you're going to be stressed.

Ssnacks are cut up (thinking veggies) Sunday night and put in ziplocks, dinner pre-planned once a week and prepping done ahead of time, and don't forget that the Mr. is quite capable of doing much of this.

As long as you choose to buy into the "do it all" game, it won't improve. Take a break. :)

jediwife said...

I agree with ML, I too have been griping to my husb that I do too much, and have to take a step back and wonder, "Why don't I just draw boundaries, choose not to do so much?" Men are better at this than women. they never do more than they feel they can handle.

Meadowlark said...

Um, I sounded meaner than I intended. I just got angry that somehow women think we're supposed to do it all... my INTENT was to say "Take a break". I guess I could have left the first three paragraphs out. Sorry. :)