Monday, August 30, 2010

A police officer’s anniversary

7 long years, or short years, have passed from the day I said “I do”

Actually I had to say “I will” But whatever, at the end of the day I was Mrs. T-rex!

Well, like nearly every anniversary, T-rex is gone today. There was no way to get out of it, no way to make a great diner plan, have a party, or even a date just the two of us. Kids came quickly; Lilly was born 9 months to the day after our wedding.

So to celebrate T-rex and I went to the movie on Saturday, at 2 in the afternoon. (Somehow even that was still so romantic!)

Being the good wife, and because he got me flowers a few days before, I let him pick the movie. This was a VERY bad idea! Maybe it’s all men, but we watched the most “manly” movie ever! It’s called The Expendables. T-rex says if you watch that movie and don’t like it then you don’t have Balls.

Every 5 minutes into the movie someone was getting their butt kicked or something was blowing up. Cool guns were as much a staple to the movie as old time action heroes. Um yeah?! Like action guys who were big in the 80’s and stuff. The whole idea was to save the girl from the bad guys, to do this you must blow a lot of stuff up.

Now tell me is this romantic for a wedding anniversary? NO it is not! But I still had a great time! I hate sappy mush romantic stuff anyway. But a comedy clearly would have fit our marriage better. Although I think T-rex says a horror, or action movie fits just as well. I promise I threw my phone at him next to him only once, and I still say if it was really at him I would have hit him!

Well T-rex I love you! I will be happy to put up with you for 77 more years! But, next year I get to pick the movie.


Ann T. said...

Dear Yellow,
Oh, thank goodness! Now I will know how to pick a steady boyfriend. If he has to blow some stuff up to get to me and does it, then I know I am loved.

Happy Anniversary, you nut!
Ann T.

Betty Joe said...

Happy Anniversary! Glad you got to spend time with your hubby. Keep up the posts! Love reading your blog!

jediwife said...

Hehe I agree, I can't stand the movies my husband picks! But what's even worse is when we can't agree on a movie so we sit there at the computer debating what we're gonna see and when we finally settle for one that *neither* of us really wants to see, it's already almost the baby's bedtime and the babysitters (in-laws) want to go home!

Ah well. Happy Anniversary to you and T-Rex and keep on being a model of a wonderful marriage.

Yellow said...

Thank you all. It really was a great day. Next year I will make sure I get to pick the movie. :)

Spark Check said...

Congratulations! :-)